from the DeepMind of Oksana Savchuk

Belgian building regulations

Attempt 1
1. Type “belgian building code” in a search engine
2. Fail to acquire official building regulations

Attempt 2
1. Ask a Belgian architect the name of the Belgian building code
2. Wait until she has asked a colleague
3. Fail to acquire official building regulations

Attempt 3
1. Find out that every region in Belgium has its own building regulations.
2. Try several keywords in a search engine
3. Find "Vlaamse wooncode"
4. Read that legislation on minimum room areas is yet to be passed (since 1997)
5. Wait until 1/01/2021, when the new "Vlaamse Codex Wonen" is published

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from the DeepMind of Oksana Savchuk

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Belgian building regulations

Attempt 1
1. Type “belgian building code” in a search engine
2. Fail to acquire official building regulations

Attempt 2
1. Ask a Belgian architect the name of the Belgian building code
2. Wait until she has asked a colleague
3. Fail to acquire official building regulations

Attempt 3
1. Find out that every region in Belgium has its own building regulations.
2. Try several keywords in a search engine
3. Find "Vlaamse wooncode"
4. Read that legislation on minimum room areas is yet to be passed (since 1997)
5. Wait until 1/01/2021, when the new "Vlaamse Codex Wonen" is published

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