Josh Plough

From the DeepMind of Josh Plough:

This year re-FORMAT decided to introduce a new position to the programme, the design critic. Josh Plough will follow each of the laureates and contextualise their research by introducing it into a constellation of different events, ideas and movements. He wants to write about the profession’s almost evangelical approach to how design can solve the world’s problems, and how this then reflects on the practitioner, their mental health, and society at large.

Josh Plough (1990) was born the UK but now lives in Warsaw where he founded the not-for-profit bookshop and hosting space Ziemniaki i. He received his masters in Design Curating and Writing from the Design Academy Eindhoven.

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↳ Eindhoven Footnotes Zine

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↳ Ziemniaki i Logo, © Studio Pyda