So what could an educational structure for Basic Design look like?
Firstly a caveat. This sketch below is not for a fully formed course. It introduces some key structural changes that would then allow for the idea of Basic Design to take hold at an MA level (to begin with). To suggest a final outcome at the beginning defeats the point. Once tested structurally it could apply to whole departments, and then maybe whole academies. These decisions would reduce the number of students, but that’s also kind of the point.
1. The course would establish solid corridors between education and practice, between dream and reality. This could be with partners working in sectors like climate action, social justice, cosmology, local governance, etc.
2. The aim of this is to place designers in a direct relationship with people in decision making positions.
3. Bringing these external people in would create a process that intermingles disciplines and areas of research right from the beginning.
4. This approach could mitigate the current ‘research turned into product’ attitude.
This chair is made of recycled plastic from discarded laptops.
Table — Metalized car paint on CNC milled and folded aluminium, aluminium mobile phones outer casings, gold plated mobile phones outer casings, steel microwaves grid.
5. The contents of the course would be established using decision making processes taken from the set up of anarchist meetings.
In consensus process, everyone agrees from the start on broad principles of unity and purposes for being for the group; but beyond that they also accept as a matter of course that no one is ever going to convert another person completely to their point of view…therefore discussion should focus on concrete questions of action, and coming up with a plan that everyone can live with…
Bring me back to the Collective DeepMind
So what could an educational structure for Basic Design look like?
Firstly a caveat. This sketch below is not for a fully formed course. It introduces some key structural changes that would then allow for the idea of Basic Design to take hold at an MA level (to begin with). To suggest a final outcome at the beginning defeats the point. Once tested structurally it could apply to whole departments, and then maybe whole academies. These decisions would reduce the number of students, but that’s also kind of the point.
1. The course would establish solid corridors between education and practice, between dream and reality. This could be with partners working in sectors like climate action, social justice, cosmology, local governance, etc.
2. The aim of this is to place designers in a direct relationship with people in decision making positions.
3. Bringing these external people in would create a process that intermingles disciplines and areas of research right from the beginning.
4. This approach could mitigate the current ‘research turned into product’ attitude.
This chair is made of recycled plastic from discarded laptops.
Table — Metalized car paint on CNC milled and folded aluminium, aluminium mobile phones outer casings, gold plated mobile phones outer casings, steel microwaves grid.
5. The contents of the course would be established using decision making processes taken from the set up of anarchist meetings.
In consensus process, everyone agrees from the start on broad principles of unity and purposes for being for the group; but beyond that they also accept as a matter of course that no one is ever going to convert another person completely to their point of view…therefore discussion should focus on concrete questions of action, and coming up with a plan that everyone can live with…