I almost couldn't have had a better ending to my education, but still after that I fell into a dark hole. I didn't know what to do in my life, and there’s no support system for that.
To create a new avant-garde design research led educational course without restructuring the education process itself is like pissing in the wind: fun for those merrily swaying but messy for the others down wind in a future. Let’s maybe stop, for a minute, for a month or a year and redirect our critical and speculative design practices to the industry and its educational institutions. Instead of adding to the ever-growing comic strip on techno-dystopias we can propose alternative ways of working and learning. Let’s turn our worldview inward and challenge the structures of education; instead of jumping on the something like Coronavirus and pumping out an exhibition of designed intents.
Bring me back to the Collective DeepMind
I almost couldn't have had a better ending to my education, but still after that I fell into a dark hole. I didn't know what to do in my life, and there’s no support system for that.
To create a new avant-garde design research led educational course without restructuring the education process itself is like pissing in the wind: fun for those merrily swaying but messy for the others down wind in a future. Let’s maybe stop, for a minute, for a month or a year and redirect our critical and speculative design practices to the industry and its educational institutions. Instead of adding to the ever-growing comic strip on techno-dystopias we can propose alternative ways of working and learning. Let’s turn our worldview inward and challenge the structures of education; instead of jumping on the something like Coronavirus and pumping out an exhibition of designed intents.